Hi, I'm Oleksiy. I am a full-stack developer with 4 years of experience. I enjoy creating websites and applications.
My main focus is TypeScript (JS).
But currently, I work within the ecosystem of
(React | Next.js with Headless CMS)
About Me
Having obtained a diploma in building and construction management, I decided to pursue my passion for programming. I enrolled in several coding courses and delved into full-stack web development. My favorite part of programming is the problem-solving aspect, specifically the structured approach to addressing challenges. I love the feeling of finally figuring out a solution to a problem. My primary stack includes React, Next.js and Headless WordPress. I am also familiar with TypeScript and Prisma. I always strive to learn new technologies. Currently, I am seeking a permanent position as a software developer.
When I'm not coding, I contemplate the meaning of life and enjoy gazing out the window. I also love acquiring new knowledge. At the moment, I am studying how to implement beneficial habits and the Kanban system. Additionally, I have a strong inclination toward standardization to maximize productivity in all aspects.
There is an understanding that it is impossible to learn and remember everything. The idea is to gain some awareness of how to use this or that tool, understand the development architecture, and gain a special skill to quickly solve problems in a standardized way. The point is to standardize and improve the efficiency of all processes.
I don’t work in places that don’t value the principles of
My Projects
Full-stack development. Users can leave public feedback for companies.
- React
- Next.js
- MongoDB
- Tailwind
- Prisma
Job board for remote developer job searches. Worked as a front-end developer, implemented filtering, sorting, and pagination.
- React
- TypeScript
- Next.js
- Tailwind
- Redux
Word Analytics
A public web application for quick text analytics. Displays word count, character count, and social media post limits.
- React
- Next.js
- Tailwind
- Framer
Pet Soft
Full-stack development. An e-commerce platform for pet products.
- React
- Next.js
- Tailwind
- Framer
- Radix UI
- Prisma
- Zod
Full-stack development. A platform for creating and managing events.
- React
- Next.js
- Prisma
- Tailwind
- Radix UI
- Framer
Full-stack development. A mini website builder platform.
- React
- Next.js
- Prisma
- Tailwind
- Radix UI
- MongoDB
- Visx
- Zod
- TypeScript
- Clerk
- Next-intl
- D3
My Skills
HTMLCSSSCSSJavaScriptTypeScriptReactNext.jsmiddleware, ISR, SSG, SSR, route handlers, server actionsGitTailwindCSSPrismaReduxGraphQLPostgreSQLFramer MotionReact Hook FormZodSQLiteMongoDBMongooseGSAPDirectusVisxVercelDockerViteFigmaPostgresClerkAuthJSNext-intlNext Auth V5RadixUIShadcnRTKRTK QueryAPI Request BatchingRest APIAWS (Lambda, S3, EC2)OVHCI/CDCron tasksSEOrobots.txt, sitemaps, meta tags, canonical, JSON-LD, ARIAFSDA/B testingMarkdown editorLodashp-listPuppeteerLexical editorSSTOpenNextreactbits
My Experience
Remote job, UA
Developed landing pages and multi-page websites using React and Next.js (SSR/ISR). Implemented a custom content-editing system with contenteditable, cookies, and route handlers. Built a simple authentication flow with API routes and cookie-based access control. Optimized performance using React memoization (useMemo, useCallback) and managed real-time updates via useState. Focused on lightweight, scalable solutions with basic security and SEO considerations.
2021.02 - 2023.07Remote job, UA
MVP website constructor. Developed from scratch on Next.js (App Router), including integration with MongoDB Atlas through Prisma, CRON tasks setup on Vercel, FSD architecture, Drag-and-Drop (hello-pangea/dnd), TailwindCSS, GSAP animations, Visx graphs, custom analytics, third-party API integrations, SEO (sitemaps, robots.txt), ShadCN components, React component optimization, and CI/CD.
2023.08 - 2024.08Remote job, UA
Working with Next.js (transition from Pages Router to App Router, FSD), improving UX and SEO (sitemaps, robots.txt, meta tags, JSON-LD, canonical, image attributes), configuring Directus CMS and CRON Tasks, and conducting code reviews for junior developers. Emphasis on improving architecture, creating user-friendly interfaces, and analytics.
2024.09 - 2025.03Contact Me
Please contact me directly at newiqa@gmail.com or send me a message telegram.